blue morning blue morning hard times are coming down and there痴 a cloud around my head again the fields are waiting and i知 a patient man and i just can稚 get out of bed and say rise and shine i知 outta of sight and outta of mind i知 heading for blue morning i知 heading for grey skies too i知 heading for blue morning and grey skies too. caught me napping the alarm keeps nattering on and i can barely stand the morning air sweet sight of your pillow and the big old empty bed i can稚 bear to see it so and i know i知 easy come and easy go but i知 heading for a blue morning i知 heading for grey skies too i知 heading for blue morning time the autumn wind is on my shoulder and it痴 calling me to rise but it痴 cold outside my door i知 not a young man anymore rise and shine, just want to ride away i知 heading for a blue morning i知 heading for grey skies too i知 heading for blue morning time